Event Blog 1

I attended the activity workshop on April 20, 2017. I had an interesting experience at this workshop because we got to look at materials that were not mass production. Everything in that workshop was found by a women, Linda Weintraub, who was from New York and she put everything in boxes and separated it throughout the room.

Before entering the room we were given specific rules.
   1. There was no talking.
   2. we had to take our shoes off.
She wanted us to get a feel with our feet of the ground. It was an awkward feeling because we would step on things that we would normally step on with shoes.
We all then walked aound then room and split ourselves up into groups and sat around boxes. Each box had a different material inside. Each group also had different activities as well.

Some of the hands-on activities involved touching feathers with our eyes closed and seeing ifwe could tell the difference between them. We looked at a honeycomb and then discussed why us humans use a rectangle ratherthn a hexagon. We use a hexagon because it is simple to structure. Another thing we got to do was taste maple syurp its pure form then had to taste it when its burned. I thought the maple syrup wasn't pleasant than what I thought because there was no added sugars to it. When it was burned, it was ashes and immediately didnt want to taste it. But when I did, there also wasn't any taste. Another activity was sense of smell. We had to smell moss and check off words that would describe its taste. My overall experience at this event I would say enhanced my senses.


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